Favorite Calligraphy Essentials

Nibs, Paper and Ink

There is a steep learning curve when it comes to calligraphy, and everything effects each other! It can be so frustrating, and at least for me, it takes a couple years to really feel like you have a solid foundation established. I'm totally still building my foundation but these are some things I've learned along the way! A nib that fits your style, quality paper and good ink are the essential building blocks for your calligraphy journey! This post contains affiliate links.

Favorite Nibs, Paper and Inks on Ashley Bush Blog
Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog


I've got a long way to go and lots more nibs to try out, but these are the ones I keep returning to!

Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog

The Zebra G is a work-horse nib. It's good all around. Works well when writing small and large. It's great for beginners because it's pretty stiff, so it can handle the heavy hand. They also have an ink-cage version of this nib - less dipping!

Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog

This fun little graphic was made with this Zebra G.

Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog

This one's my baby! It has less of a pointed tip so it doesn't snag as easily, straighter hairlines and makes squaring off your ends easier. It's also awesome for bigger lettering which is great for names on large envelopes.

Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog

This shows the squaring off better than the super quick example up top.

Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog

This little guy is super flexy! I love that about it, it makes for dynamic lettering - thicker down strokes and really thin hairlines. You need a much steadier hand and it's harder to square off the ends. But, it's excellent for modern calligraphy!

Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog

Baby thin hairlines!

Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog
Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog


Quality paper is essential to successful calligraphy!

Blank Rhodia Pad

I love using this pad on work that I'll be scanning and making digital. It does snag sometimes on my 'sharper' nibs, but is a total dream with my Brause Steno!

Muji Dotted Notebook

This is great for travel and practice! I love the dot grid to help with consistency and even line heights and the thick notebook cover keeps it from bending.

Canson Vidalon Vellum

If you haven't taken your nib to some quality vellum then you are missing out! It's like writing with butter, it just glides on, no snagging! And is awesome for scanning as well!

Favorite nibs, paper and ink on Ashley Bush Blog


Nothing better than some quality ink that has the perfect flow and consistency for the nib!

Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay Inks

Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay Inks

Dr. Ph Martin's Black Star

Dr. Ph Martin's Black Star

PearlEx Solar Gold Powder

PearlEx Solar Gold Powder

What are you favorite nibs, paper and inks?

Leave a comment listing your favorites and why and I'll compile them into another favorite tools post!